It’s all about the bow!

It’s all about the bow! The best strategies for developing a beautiful tone in beginners and beyond.

Description: Proper bowing technique is crucial for a healthy tone. Unfortunately the physical actions required for good bowing technique are often difficult for novice string players to fully comprehend. Laux will demonstrate how the complexities of right hand technique can be simplified and reimagined so beginners can learn play with greater confidence and with a big, beautiful sound. Bring your instrument!

Updated Presentation Slides (presented at 2018 Midwest Clinic, PDF, 15.1 MB)

Presentation Slides (Presented at 2016 TMEA 2016, PDF, 7 MB)

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1 Response

  1. December 14, 2016

    […] Charles Laux posted the slides and supporting materials for his 2016 TMEA presentation, titled It’s all about the bow! on his blog at While it’s clear it would be better to have been in the […]