Teaching Music in the Virtual World

With the COVID-19 worldwide pandemic, most schools shut down in March of 2020. Overnight and without warning, teachers were expected to step up and create a completely brand new way of delivering their instruction. Most secondary school-based courses, such as band, chorus, and orchestra heavily rely on the ability to perform in groups synchronously and this became an impossibility online.

Online teaching changed the approach that needed to take to continue to provide a high level of music education. This was much different and not nearly as exciting as face to face teaching and learning. There are many moving parts to teaching online, including a plethora of various technical issues.

As my school district has recently announced a complete virtual start to the 2020-20201 school year, I will continue to be finding new ways and adapting my teaching to fit this new model.

Click here for slides and links from my first presentation on Teaching Music in the Virtual World. The page will be updated as more and more resources become available.

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