Foldable music note flash cards

notenameFor those of you who are starting beginners this fall, I would like to share some foldable flash cards for violin, viola, cello and double bass.  They are PDF’s and can be printed and cut.  Feel free to share on your website/blog!  When I was teaching elementary strings, I did not have access to a projector so paper was my only real option.

I also included a set of full page flash cards for teachers to use with students as a class. Each one contains all three clefs.

Violin Flash Cards

Viola Flash Cards

Cello Flash Cards

Bass Flash Cards



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3 Responses

  1. Kathy says:

    Thank you so much for creating these flash cards. I appreciate your efforts and your generosity in sharing them!

  2. Charles Laux says:

    Happy to do so! I am glad they will be handy for you. When I get a chance, I hope to make more (for G, C, E strings and upper positions/alternative clefs).

  3. Becky says:

    These are great!!! It’s amazing to find something that has all 3 clefs. I always have to recreate things for my little violas.
    Thank you for sharing! =)